The first white label NFT marketplace, and it’s all bitcoin based

Kris Constable
3 min readJul 31, 2021

About 8 months ago we pushed the first commits of lnft on Github, the source code for our NFT marketplace, and we’ve had a hard time keeping up with demand since.

It started with the privilege of building, a curated digital art gallery, for our friends at Blockstream. As far as we know, this is the first bitcoin based NFT marketplaces on the internet, using a layer 2 technology called liquid that allows assets (smart contracts, mostly known in the Ethereum world) and confidentiality, which was already seamlessly integrated into our web wallet so users can easily buy and sell their NFTs and hold bitcoin in between.

During that time, we also had the privilege of using our code and skills to build the NFT marketplace for which has an agency model that branches out of the traditional digital art world into physical assets as well.

From there, the world has opened up to some of the top brands in the world. In the last quarter we onboarded the top men’s magazine in history to do their first NFTs. We’re talking to influencers, professional sports franchises, top DJs, clothing brands, product brands, and top tier celebrities who are all eager to leverage this service to have their own NFT marketplace solely for the direction and use of their brand.

All of this was all through word-of-mouth without any marketing website to speak of, which the team is now actively working on — we’re just trying to keep up with demand as is. We will be entering a private raise shortly to help us with this.

If you’re a major brand who is considering an NFT marketplace, here are a few features of ours worth considering:

  • No need to re-allocate or build a software development team, we’re a start to operations Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) service.
  • We’re using liquid, which is a layer 2 bitcoin protocol. We have no connection to Ethereum or any other cryptocurrency.
  • Liquid means it’s fast and cost effective for your users — it’s only 3 cents to mint art or an asset. Compared to over $50 USD per asset on Ethereum, these 3 orders of magnitude difference make a night and day difference to your users.
  • wallet integration means your users can buy directly with their bitcoin, they don’t need to install browser plugins or understand a new and complex process.
  • The features of our NFT platform are not yet published. Consider for example linking NFC/tap to your physical products to make them NFTs (we’re building this for a tequila brand), or selling NFT tickets (first client will be using them next week for a movie release), or managing your supply chain with NFTs, a few examples of enterprise services you’ll see over the next few weeks as our clients launch their new services as their own.

I’m happy to jump on a call and discuss how we can build your brand a custom NFT marketplace for you, dynamically opening new, innovative, and persistent revenue streams.

